Why are you not affected by the unseen world?

Why are you not affected by the unseen world?

Hosny Al-Bashbeeshy

A person’s feelings are only affected by a serious matter. If a person’s feelings are not affected by the world of the unseen, the reason for that is either that the world of the unseen is a trivial matter that is not dangerous, or that the person does not know it or is not certain of it.

The world of the unseen is a very dangerous matter because the existence of the Creator means that you are made and owned by him, and the existence of the Hereafter means the transition to an eternal life other than the worldly life, and this life has gold, palaces, charming women and wines and it also has life for some people who live inside the fire itself, so the world of the unseen is a dangerous and exciting thing. Very influential on human feelings and life.

As long as the world of the unseen is a dangerous matter and you are certain of it, the problem is lack of knowledge of it, meaning that a person lives as if he had not heard of the world of the unseen.

The reason for not knowing the world of the unseen is not because a person has not heard about the matter or because he does not understand its meaning, but because there is no third condition in knowledge, which is that he did not pay attention to its seriousness, that is, he did not pay attention to the seriousness of what he heard and understood and was certain of.

There is a very strange contradiction where a person combines belief in something and ignorance about it at the same time!

So the reason why feelings are not affected by the world of the unseen is ignorance of the world of the unseen as if he had not heard of it, as if he did not understand its meaning.

To everyone who says that he is certain of the existence of the Creator and the Hereafter, I tell him: you are right, but you still do not know the meaning of what you say!, and if he said: I know the meaning of what I say, I tell him: unless your feelings and life are affected with the seriousness of what you say, then you are a big liar, lying on yourself.

There are three conditions of faith are absent from your heart and you do not know. They are the absence of true knowledge of the Creator and the Hereafter, and the absence of feelings and goal attached to the Creator and the Hereafter.

The purpose of the book is to show that knowledge of the existence of the Creator and the afterlife is false knowledge among the vast majority of people and to show that this knowledge has a very big impact on feelings, goals, worries and works, and to show that this effect does not exist in these people

The human being may hear about the matter and understand it and believe in it, but he is still ignorant of it because he did not pay attention to the seriousness of the matter, so hearing, understanding and certitude became dead things as if they did not exist even though they existed on the face of the truth, and the human became ignorant of it even though he heard, understood and believed in it.

Ignorance of the Creator and the afterlife is deliberate, which is called: the disbelief of the turning away of knowledge of the Creator and the afterlife, and its purpose is to prevent its automatic effect on feelings, goals, worries and works, because man does not want to live as a slave and wants to live to enjoy the urgent world life and not the future (the afterlife), Man may think that he worships God and in fact he worships money and the worldly life.

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Genre : Spirituality Language : English
Sub-genre : Islam Release : February 23, 2021

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Hosny Al-Bashbeeshy

Données de l'auteur:
Nom de l'auteur: Hosni Abdel Moneim Hassan Al-Beshbishi
Date de naissance: 13/05/1970.
Qualification: Baccalauréat en médecine vétérinaire / 1996 - Collège de médecine vétérinaire - Université du Caire.
Poste: Vétérinaire à l'abattoir d'Oseem - Gouvernorat de Gizeh - Egypte.
Adresse: Ville d'Oseem - à côté de l'école privée Al-Eman - Gouvernorat de Gizeh - Égypte.
Téléphone: 01110759256, 01014562303
Courriel: h05ny@yahoo.com

Œuvres imprimées:
Livre: The Mind in the Qur’an - Khaled Bin Al Waleed Library for Printing, Publishing and Distribution - The End of the Turks Street - Behind Al-Azhar Mosque - 2010
Livre: Attention au blasphème caché - The Ummah Science Foundation for Cultural Investments - Menoufia - Tala City - 2017.
Livres électroniques gratuits sur Internet:
Livre: Attention à la grande hypocrisie - The Advocacy Network
Livre: Êtes-vous vivant ou mort? Et un livre: Comment la soumission à Dieu Tout-Puissant est-elle réalisée? Un site pour l'intérêt de la chasse et Mishkat.
Livre: The Job of Carefree in Islam - sur de nombreux sites, y compris le site Web Islam Path.
Un livre Attention au blasphème caché sur de nombreux sites.

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